
“Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom.”

Where has 2023 gone??? I’m certain you have done, felt and learnt wayyy more this year than you remember, and this will form the foundation of an even better 2024.

Scientific and psychological studies have shown that intentional reflections are linked to higher levels of satisfaction with life and related measures of mental well-being.

I’m a firm believer that Self Awareness leads to Self Acceptance which leads to Self Mastery.

Reflection is hence a key starting point. 

I’ve created a simple ‘Reflections & Progression’ workbook for you to use, on the house!

This workbook will guide you through the past 12 months – the yays, the nays, the happy, the yucky. You then review what  you want to keep, what you want to stop and what you want to start in this new year.

Download my free ‘Reflections & Progression Workbook’ here.

My personal reflections ritual each year is going to the hair salon for a relaxing hair treatment and doing this reflection exercise at the same time. This is the perfect time as I’m by myself, the treatment takes hours, and I’m committed to being in that chair (nice hair, I care!)!

I print out the worksheets, armed with coloured pens and a relaxing playlist. All ready for self-reflection, self-appreciation and to lay the foundation for the new year ahead!

I’ve been tweaking this template the past years for my reflections (looking back) and progression (looking ahead). I’ve also applied feedback from the digital planner I created in 2021 and applied them in this workbook. This works as a printable or on a tablet.

You can get my ‘Reflections & Progression Workbook’ here!

You've done your solo reflections.... And you're ready to take the next step

Self-reflection is extremely important to bring our learnings to our conscious mind. Then what? Self Acceptance and then Self Mastery! Speaking to a certified practitioner can help you on this journey more quickly.

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2024 is gonna be your best year yet!

What would you like to be in 12 months time? You will be a different version, whether this is deliberate or not.

I look forward to growing with you in the coming year! If you’ve questions, you can read more here, email me at positiveleepeilin@gmail.com or direct message me on Instagram.

Happy new year!

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“What you focus on expands.” – T. Harv Eker Crafting your own “Word of the Year” (WOTY) is a wonderful practice that can bring focus and transformation into your life.

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