Top 3 Children’s Books about Superheroes

Books about Superheroes by PositiveLeePeilin

I have a longgg running list of books about superheroes as this is one of favourite themes, be it for parties, workshops or reading aloud. Culling it down to my top three favourite books about superheroes was hence tough! With so many blockbuster superhero action movies this year (Captain Marvel, Avengers: Endgame, Spiderman and Shazam), your child is […]

Marvel Avengers DIY Craft: Higher, Further, Faster!

Superhero DIY Kids Crafts Avengers

Make your Marvel Avengers DIY craft out of simple at-home materials and watch them flyyyy! Who loves Iron Man, Thor  and Captain  America? ME TOO! To curb the anticipation, we’ve made our own Marvel Avengers DIY craft! With so many Marvel Avengers movies out, I decided to make my own mini Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU)!  […]

Top 3 Children’s Books about Elephants

Books about Elephants with Dumbo DIY Craft

Dumbo, the live action Disney movie is airing soon and I’m so excited about this remake that I’ve created a list of books about elephants! I remember watching this 1941 cartoon on VHS tape as a child and tearing as Dumbo’s mother sings and rocks him on her trunk as they say good bye. I’ve […]