Dancing Dragon Playground DIY Craft

Positive Lee Peilin - Playground Dragon DIY Craft

Recreate the Nostalgic Playgrounds of Singapore! Every Singaporean worth their salt will recognise this iconic dragon playground! We’ve been seeing them in store windows, t-shirts and souvenirs, and were inspired to help you make your own dragon playground DIY craft with your child. This dragon head design was created in 1979 by Khor Ean Ghee, […]

Top 3 Children’s Books about Lions

PositiveLeePeilin - Books about Lions

With live-action remake of The Lion King now playing, we want to help prepare your child understand The Circle of Life with this list of books about lions! Lions are known as the kings of the jungle with their physical strength and ferocity. My favourite books about lions invite other views such as patience, friendliness […]

Lion King DIY Craft: Hear Me Roar

PositiveLeePeilin - Book and Craft about Lion

Roar Like Simba, The Lion King! We want to help your child feel as brave and majestic as Simba, so we’ve created a Lion King DIY craft which allows little ones to roar extra loud! The Lion King is one of Disney’s most successful animated movies and they are remaking it with photorealistic computer-animation, with […]