Reflections 2023

“Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom.” Where has 2023 gone??? I’m certain you have done, felt and learnt wayyy more this year than you remember, and this will form the foundation of an even better 2024. Scientific and psychological studies have shown that intentional reflections are linked to higher levels of satisfaction with life […]
Ocean Torchlight DIY Craft to Find Your Fish!

Become an ocean explorer while staying dry with this ocean torchlight DIY craft Celebrating June with this ocean torchlight DIY craft, since there’s a line up of days commemorating our environment and the sea, starting with World Reef Day (1 June), World Environment Day (5 June), World Oceans Day (8 June) and Coral Triangle Day […]
Pineapple Tart DIY Craft from Recycled Ang Pows

The best part of Chinese New Year has gotta be the snacks! We’ve got a waist-friendly pineapple tart DIY craft which you can have as many as you want for CNY! Reuse and recycle leftover orange packet papers lying around the house instead of tossing them! I’ve got video snippets on my Instagram page as well […]