Mulan Calligraphy: Trace Your Movie Quote

Be as strong as a girl, fight hard like a girl and be as beautiful as a girl! We got such good feedback from our Frozen calligraphy that we’ve decided to start a collection of best Disney quotes, continuing with this bold Mulan calligraphy. Mulan is Disney’s first Asian heroine and is based on the Chinese legend, Hua […]
Paper Doll: The Simple Bear Necessities

Enjoy some screen-free fun with this Bear Paper Doll Did you have a paper doll when you were young? I used to ogle over paper doll books in my school bookshop, assessing which book contained most of the dresses I liked, before parting with my week’s pocket money. I bought versions with ballgowns, summer outfits, […]
Top 3 Children’s Books about Mothers

That special someone in every child’s life – Mum! Ahhhh, mothers! We really should be celebrating you every day for your strength, sacrifice and unconditional love. Here’s a toast to you, my dear friend and mother! Here are three very different books about mothers, from a funny one about how different mothers are, a sweet tale […]