Top 3 Children’s Books about Cake

PositiveLeePeilin - Books about Cakes 1

Hands up if you love cake! These books about cake are just for you! My youngest brother loves baking, so I was inspired to find some books about cake as a nod to his hobby. There is so much time and heart that goes into creating a cake and is such a lovely (and functional!) […]

Frozen Calligraphy: Trace Your Movie Quote

PositiveLeePeilin- DIY Frozen Calligraphy

The Perfect Christmas Gift from the Heart! I just rewatched Frozen in anticipation of the upcoming sequel and found some lines of wisdom which look great on any wall as Frozen calligraphy. Rewind a few weeks back and I was chatting with Belinda, calligrapher and boss babe of Art and Wanders, about how we could […]

Olaf Marshmallow Snowman for Frozen Fun

DIY Olaf Marshmallow Snowman

Do you wanna build an Olaf Marshmallow Snowman? Our first food craft! This Olaf marshmallow snowman is a team effort from my younger sister, brother and I! My sis and I were belting out Frozen songs as we cut, melted and dipped the ingredients, as my little brother listened enthralled (hahaha, so we tell ourselves). […]